JEFT is one very simple semiconductor line, which controls its voltage as required. It can have p-type or n-type channel. P-type carrier is a positive charge hole, and N-type carrier is a negative charge electron. and In P-type, the current is reduced if the voltage applied to the source is less than the voltage you apply to the gate. In contrast, in the N-type, if the voltage applied to the source is greater than the voltage applied to the gate, the current is cut short. It has very small effect on the external circuits attached to the gate. Because, it has a huge input to impedance which can shoot up to 1010 ohms. But as the output impedance is very low, it is needed to build measuring instrument as a buffer.
This electronic junction is tiny in size so it is employed in LCD computer circuits, memory circuits etc. Since its modulation distortion is small, it is also utilized in communication instruments, mixer circuits such as TV and FM receivers. It also required to build FM tuners.
In a JEFT transistor, one single type of carrier transmits the current, which makes it a unipolar junction. It has the property of high resistance of electrical input. While in Bipolar Junction Transistor, the input current that is conducted to the Base terminal is proportional to transistor’s input current, in a Unipolar transistor, the voltage can be controlled because there is no requirement for biasing current.
This transistor has an uncomplicated, simple structure. It is just a voltage-controlled Electronic junction.
Here the current flows through a semiconductor material between two terminals, respectively a Drain (D) and a Source(S). Through S the carriers enters the bar and through D they sign off. When you put ‘Reverse Bias’ voltage on a gate, it “Pinches” the channel. And it switches off the electric current immediately. G is the highly doped territory on both the sides.
The fun part is, the current flowing through it can be compared with a water-hose. When water passes through a hose, you can put pressure around the hose to reduce the spurt of flow, a JEFT operation can also be controlled similar way. The current in this transistor depends on the region between S and D. When you constrict the current-transmitting region between these two, the current is squeezed to low flow. To have clearer idea about the design and the functions you should check JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor video Tutorial online.
This electronic junction is tiny in size so it is employed in LCD computer circuits, memory circuits etc. Since its modulation distortion is small, it is also utilized in communication instruments, mixer circuits such as TV and FM receivers. It also required to build FM tuners.
In a JEFT transistor, one single type of carrier transmits the current, which makes it a unipolar junction. It has the property of high resistance of electrical input. While in Bipolar Junction Transistor, the input current that is conducted to the Base terminal is proportional to transistor’s input current, in a Unipolar transistor, the voltage can be controlled because there is no requirement for biasing current.
This transistor has an uncomplicated, simple structure. It is just a voltage-controlled Electronic junction.
Here the current flows through a semiconductor material between two terminals, respectively a Drain (D) and a Source(S). Through S the carriers enters the bar and through D they sign off. When you put ‘Reverse Bias’ voltage on a gate, it “Pinches” the channel. And it switches off the electric current immediately. G is the highly doped territory on both the sides.
The fun part is, the current flowing through it can be compared with a water-hose. When water passes through a hose, you can put pressure around the hose to reduce the spurt of flow, a JEFT operation can also be controlled similar way. The current in this transistor depends on the region between S and D. When you constrict the current-transmitting region between these two, the current is squeezed to low flow. To have clearer idea about the design and the functions you should check JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor video Tutorial online.
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